Virginia Teaching License

Virginia Teaching License – Testing

Teachers applying for a Virginia teaching license have to take and pass a teacher certification test.

This examination is called the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment, also known as the VCLA.

Virginia Teaching License – VCLA

The Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment is an academic skills test, covering reading and writing.

There are forty multiple-choice questions on the reading part of the VCLA.

The questions on the reading section of the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment evaluate your ability to read, analyze, outline, and summarize various texts, graphs, and tables.

The writing part of the VCLA has forty multiple-choice questions, as well as short writing tasks and an essay.

The VCLA writing test examines your knowledge of grammar, style, vocabulary, and the logical development of ideas in written texts.

The VCLA is delivered in both paper-based and computer-based formats.

For further information on the Virginia Communication and Literary Assessment, please visit the official website at the following link:

Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment – Pearson Inc. Website

Virginia Teaching License – Praxis

Teachers applying for certification in Virginia also need to submit passing scores for the Praxis subject area test for the area in which they are seeking endorsement.

In order to begin a baccalaureate degree program, candiates may also need to pass the Praxis Core test.

Virginia Teaching License Image

For further information on the Praxis tests, please visit the official Praxis website:

Praxis Teacher Certification Test – Virginia

Virginia Teaching License – Other Requirements

In addition, you have to complete the following for initial teaching licensure in Virginia:

  • Undergo training the the recognition and intervention of child abuse

  • Submit evidence of the effective use of technology for pedagogical purposes

Virginia Teaching License – Deptarment of Education

For further information, prospecitve teachers should visit the Virginia Department of Education website.

The Virginia Department of Education website also has information for out-of-state and foreign applicants.

Virginia Department of Education – Licensure for Teaching in Virginia

Note:  The Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment and VCLA are trademarks of National Evaluation Systems, a part of Pearson Education Inc.

The Praxis Core Examinations are trademarks of Educational Testing Service (ETS).

This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Pearson Education, ETS, or the Virginia Department of Education.