Exam SAM’s Accuplacer Practice Tests
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Accuplacer Math – Arithmetic Test
[WpProQuiz 2]
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Arithmetic Skills
These skills are covered on our practice Accuplacer Next Generation Arithmetic Test above:
Operations with whole numbers
Comparisons and equivalents
The above practice test is in the same format as the actual exam, so there are 20 questions.
The explanations will be displayed after each question.
You will see your score when you have finished the test.
Accuplacer Math – Algebra and Functions Test
[WpProQuiz 3]
The above quiz begins with Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics, and has twenty questions in this category.
Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistic
The Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics test covers these skills:
Basic exponent laws
Rational numbers
Ratios and proportions
Basic algebra
Linear equations and applications
Accuplacer Next Generation Math
Advanced Algebra and Functions Practice Test (Questions 21 to 30)
The Accuplacer Next-Generation Advanced Algebra and Functions test covers these skills:
Linear equations and application
Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Radical and Rational Equations
Your score will be displayed at the end of the test after you have answered the final question.
Accuplacer Practice Tests – Math, Reading & Writing
The practice tests on this page are for the new “Next Generation” test.
The practice tests are in the same format as the real exam.
If you like our practice tests, you may also be interested in our math book.

The problems in our Accuplacer Next Generation Math book are different than those on this page.
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