What are Monomials? – Answered
If you want to know what monomials are, this page will help you identify and understand these algebraic terms.
Monomials have only one algebraic term. A monomial can be a number, a number with variables, or a number with variables raised to an exponential power.
What are Monomials – Quiz
Instructions: Identify the monomials in the questions in the quiz below.
[WpProQuiz 20]
Monomials – Examples
As stated above, a monomial has one term. A monomial cannot have negative exponents, nor can it have fractional exponents.
The following are examples of monomials:
Terms that are not monomials – Examples
The following are not monomials:
x2y + y2 → This is a binomial.
3x2 + xy + y2 → This is a trinomial.
Binomials and trinomials are classified as polynomials.
So, two or more monomials are needed to make a polynomial.
Polynomials – Further Exercises
This post is intended as an introductory exercise.
You should also view the following posts for further practice for your algebra test: