Welcome to Exam SAM Study Aids and Media for free exam samples and practice tests.
Our Exam SAM website and PDF Downloads provide exam sample practice materials for students preparing for standardized exams.
You may be preparing for a college entrance exam, the ASVAB, or a state teacher licensing examination.
Exam SAM – College Entrance Exams
To look at our free exam samples, practice tests, and exercises, please click on the links below:
Trigonometry exam sample questions
Reading Comprehension Practice Tests
If you are going to take a college entrance exam like the Accuplacer test, the Compass test, or the ACT exam, you will need exam practice in basic math, algebra, college-level math, reading, and writing.
The writing parts of these college placement tests are sometime just referred to as “English skills.”
Colleges and universities give tests like this to assess that you have the basic skills required for academic study at the college level.
Exam SAM – Teacher Certification
If you have recently finished a degree in teaching at a college or university, you may need to take a state board exam in order to get a teaching certificate or license.
States require these exams in order to check that you have the necessary skills to be a teacher.
You will need to know some basic math skills in order to calculate student scores and grades for your class.
You will need to have good reading skills to understand educational and other professional reports.
You will need good writing skills as a teacher in order to write report cards and to be able to communicate effectively with parents and administrators.
Exam SAM – Helping Teachers with Exam Prep and Study
The free exercises and exam samples on this website will help you with your review and preparation in math, reading, and English.
Reading Comprehension Exercises
Please click on the links above, as well as those in our main menu, for more information on our free study guide materials.
If you are going to take the Praxis Core or the CBEST exam, you can also visit our special pages for those exams:

Exam SAM – ASVAB Study Guides
The ASVAB is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.
You will need to take the ASVAB if you are hoping to join the military.
The US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard require all candidates to take the ASVAB exam.
For further information and free practice exercises, please visit the page below:

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Please note: Exam SAM is not affiliated with or endorsed by any of the trademark owners of the exams mentioned on this website. For information on exam administration and exam registration, you will need to visit an official examination website.